April 5AM Prayer ????
See you all in the morning for 5am prayer!
See you all in the morning for 5am prayer!
Get ready for Congregational Choir? ? Check the One line in GroupMe for details from Minister Tony Ballard. We look forward to seeing you at service tomorrow!
For those of you who are in a new season, experiencing new circumstances - whether grieving or recently divorced, come out to release and receive encouragement and support from others. We're here for you. See you at 7.
Happy Wednesday, Family!! Join us tonight for a dynamic word study where Pastor Roberson will unpack biblical truths as Holy Spirit reveals. See you at 7 pm.
Okay, PARENTS, tonight's your night!!! Drop the kiddos off for some FAITH AND FUN while you enjoy some much-needed time to YOURSELF!! We’ve got something for all youth – ages 4 to 17. AND no need to COOK, we feed them too!! Don't miss it! Tonight, 6:30 to 8:30pm. (Members, be sure to check GroupMe …
"Tell the people of Jerusalem, 'Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey - riding on a donkey's colt (Matt 21:5).'" It's Palm Sunday, family! See you all tomorrow at 10 am!
We can't wait to see all our young ladies, ages 13 to 26, this evening at 7pm! (Members, please be sure to check the One Line in GroupMe for any updates)
See you at 7:00 tonight as Pastor Roberson continues with Part 2 of Relationship Revival - "Rejection!"
Happy Good Friday, parents! We are excited about celebrating Jesus at Youth tonight. Tonight your children will be "disciples" and enjoy a Last Supper meal while they learn more about Jesus! Please bring the little ones out from 6:30 to 8:30 while you enjoy some much-needed time to yourself!! **If you have not done so …
See you soon!
"But he said to them, 'Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here....'" (Mark 16:6) See you all tomorrow at our Resurrection Day service!