Last sermon of the year‼️

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Join us for the final sermon of 2023. You don't want to miss it!

2?24, right around the corner?

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

There's nothing like bringing the new year in with family and fun!! Join us tonight at 10:15p for the ultimate game night with music, food, and fellowship as we approach


Turning Point will resume next week‼️

Let Us Pray!! ???

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Prayer changes things! Let's join together to petition God on this first Saturday of the new year.  See you at 5 am!  

Worship & Word ??

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We are so excited for what God has in store for us tomorrow, and we can’t wait to worship with you?.  See you in the Living Room at 10 am!


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We want to see your smiling face at Turning Point tonight! There's sure to be a word for you!

Tick-Tock… We’re counting down….⌚

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

It's almost Sunday and we're excited about it!   Don't miss your opportunity to assemble and worship with us! See you at 10 am ?


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Get ready for Turning Point! See you in the Living room at 7! ?

Join us tomorrow at 10am‼

Make sure you make your way to the Living Room at 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs, TX for the final lesson of the "Body Language" series. You don't want to


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Day 1! Let's all make it out to Turning Point Tonight!  We're excited about what God has prepared for us. Let's eat, family! ?

One Family Fellowship