All Scripture is breathed?out by God…

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

...and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for TRAINING in righteousness. -2 Timothy 3:16. It's Training Day!  Go deeper into the scriptures with us tonight at Turning Point↪ 

Hosanna in the Highest!?

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

As we approach the week of our Lord's death and resurrection, come and praise with us as we declare, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

On this sacred day, we will commemorate our Savior's death with Water Baptisms?  Come out tonight at 7:00p and support our baptism candidates as they declare their new life in


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We can't wait to see you at the picnic tomorrow!?


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We worship the Risen Savior and thank Him for ALL He has done! LET'S CELEBRATE OUR LORD TOGETHER??✝

We’re Baaackkkk!!!?

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Turning Point is back tonight at 7pm!!! Meet us in the Living Room for another life-changing bible study.  It will be pivotal in our exploring, learning, and changing over the


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

It's the first Saturday‼  Let's join together in One Prayer to petition our Father for the month of April.  See you at 5AM! EVERY 1ST SATURDAY

Communion Sunday??

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

The blood that Jesus shed will NEVER lose its power!! ??? See you tomorrow at 10am!

He’s an On Time God!!⌚

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We can't wait to worship the Lord at the appointed time.  Let's all honor Him in obedience.  See you all tomorrow morning at 10am sharp!

Turning Point‼

The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

Thanks be to God that we have an opportunity to TURN! Get your scuba gear ready!! YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS.  BRING YOUR BIBLES - LET'S EAT!! ??


The Living Room Campus 13501 Timothy Lane, Balch Springs

We're sorry if you missed last week's revelatory Rewind teaching, but you can catch up with us tonight as we continue to hear from God in this important season!

One Family Fellowship